Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just a few more days to go!

Tuesday, 20th January, 2011.

I am extremely sorry to write after so long. As I had mentioned in my last blog that I was going out on a trip to Pondicherry and Mumbai with my friends, teachers and college mates. I had a great time. This trip was also more interesting because I had never been to these places and then I was going out with my friends.
I had planned to dedicate a blog to this wonderful trip but I have been busy with my internship plans and then I had some extremely difficult time where I didn't feel like writing, reading or going out. I just wanted to be all by myself and do things which required no effort. But I will soon be writing about that too.
As of now I am waiting for my internship to start. My friends have already started with their internships and I am still waiting. I am watching a lot of movies these days as it requires least effort from my end and I am enjoying it. Maybe I just want to be away from the career I have chosen..I don't want to write for a few
Just a few more days for my intership to start so let me be lazy for a few more days :P
I hope things start soon and I will share my experiences here both good and bad. :)
Wish me luck! I need it badly..:P