Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Digital Natives.

Monday, 27th September, 2010.

Interestingly, a survey conducted across 10 major Indian cities revealed that out of 1,500 users over half of them spend around five hours a day on the Internet. Among them 52 per cent of the users fall in the age group of 8-11 years. 

According to a survey the new generation is being referred to as the "Digital Natives", because they are not only growing up in this new world but also they are well aware of its rules, values and language.

There has been an excessive increase in its usage because of the online games, social networking, home-work, blogging, etc. 
I think its so true. After coming back from college I spent most of my time either on facebook or uploading my home work online. 

The present generation has become addicted to this online world and now it is a part of their daily routine. We make sure we keep updating our presence there. We have a new world which takes us away from our families, the real world for us, yes our families are the most important part of our lives.
But still we don't give it much thought and prefer to stay online be it a working day or a holiday. Instant music, games, connection with friends, videos all seem so much fun. Through the internet people are dicovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed.
Even after writing this blog, I still spend almost the same amount of time online as it takes me away from the difficult situations in my real life. It offers an escape and makes me feel secure as I am connected to a larger world through it. I also feel better sharing my thoughts and feelings through my blogs or with friends who I cannot reach without using this technology, I cannot make calls everyday:(
Yes, I accept that I have a new world around me which is all about the internet and it is new for many of others too but the change after writing this blog is that I make sure that I spend some quality time with my family :)

The Dowry Evil.

Monday, 27 September, 2010.
A 30- year old woman, set on fire.

Shruti Khullar, wife of an Air Force personnel and resident of Ghaziabad was burnt to death by her parents-in-law this saturday afternoon.She was immediately rushed to Safdardung Hospital in Delhi where she succumbed to her injuries.

This is just another story of an Indian girl who was brutally killed by her own family members.

According to Indian Police, every year it receives over 2,500 reports of bride-burning , while human rights organizations in Pakistan report over 300 deaths per year. The Indian National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports that there were about 8172 dowry death cases registered in India in 2008. Incidents of dowry deaths during the year 2008 (8172) have increased by 14.4 per cent over 1998 level (7146).

Everyone is aware of the increasing number of dowry deaths, which are a punishable offence, yet the custom of dowry goes unquestioned.

Still there are families who do not accept their own daughter-in-laws as a part of their family. They have to pay a price in order to make a place for themselves in the new family and their status in the marital homes depends on the amount of dowry they bring in.

I find this strange and shocking and let me share it with you.
The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, was amended in 1984 , with few changes being made in it. A limit was set on the amount of dowry being demanded. But dowry itself was not banned.

I think we need to question the existence of such social evils which are prevalent in our society since ages. But just thinking won't help. We need to wipe them out or they would take over our society and cause havoc.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Delhi Metro news!

Monday, 27th September, 2010.

U must be wondering why am I writing so much about Delhi Metro. It is simply because I am in love with it. I have realized that it's the best gift to the people staying in Delhi and closeby. It has made lives convenient and easy.

If it was not there I wouldn't be reaching my college on time [atleast I reach college ;)] everyday which would have been really difficult otherwise.

Now here's the news I read today. 

Women coach in Metro trains.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) will place stickers on platforms to mark the entry to the coach.
Wow, its a splendid news for me.Now I won't be standing all the way to my college or atleast I won't be giving looks to male passengers who occupy the seats reserved for ladies. I don't mind standing but it is difficult to be like that for 1 hour 30 minutes! phewww!

Also, for me and also most of the girls travelling its not comfortable to stand with all men around you. The train is overcrowded and there is hardly any space top move, you just have to stick to the space which is occupied by your legs and stay like that till the time people get down at their particular station.

Thanks for this wonderful news. I am looking forward to this new change.I will soon share my experience of travelling in a coach 'specially' reserved for girls! It makes you enjoy the most of such special priveleges. Isn't it fun?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

CWG Break.

Sunday, 26th September, 2010.

Yippee…Hurray...I am so happy and excited. I am so much looking forward to a break from studies during the CWGs. Our college and many other schools, colleges in Delhi and NCR will close during the International Event. 

I was thrilled to read this news in today's Hindustan Times.

After studying, meeting deadlines, working on essays and stories for days, we finally get some time to relax, enjoy and most importantly sleep like dead people for hours.:)
I am sure all students are looking forward to this fantastic break of the year. Here I give special reference to my friends and classmates. I guess they can very well understand and relate to my happiness and excitement.

We have been working like crazy people almost every day of the week. This break seems so much fun. I hope it goes like that and we are not overburdened with home work and assignments. That would spoil the fervour and excitement!

I have my fingers crossed for any such bad news and am eagerly waiting for my ‘chuttiyan’ to start.:))
What about you guys?

Leonardo DiCaprio interested.

Sunday, 26 September, 2010.
Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio expressed his interest in the cause of tiger conservation to the Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh. 
Leonardo wants to visit India within a few months and help create awareness and sensitize people about the condition of our national wildlife, the tiger.
The Minister is happy and said “DiCaprio’s involvement will strengthen India’s efforts” to save the tigers.
It is good, but I feel, why do we need celebrities to strengthen our efforts? It’s appreciable that even Hollywood actors are sensitive to such universal causes and are trying to be a part of them just as Bollywood actors do. Still, the question is do we need famous people to stand for any universal or crucial cause so that they are taken seriously by people? Do we need a driving force to make us work for our environment, wildlife or Earth? Are we not sensitive and responsible enough?
So let’s try and prove it that we can as individuals work to save our environment, our wildlife and our planet.
To know some tips to save our environment at an individual level follow the link below.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

No value for Life!

Saturday,25th September, 2010

Seven elephants were crushed to death by a high- speed train in the Jalpaiguri district in West Bengal. The Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has blamed Mamata Banerjee, the Railway Minister, for this hapless incident.
Mamata Banerjee clarified that “this unfortunate incident took place in an area other than the identified elephant corridor. I have asked the Railway Board to work out a joint strategy with the Environment Minister to prevent such incidents.”
Even after the blame game is over and assurances are given that strategies will be made to ensure such incidents won’t happen, I am still doubtful about everything they plan or say. I don’t think there would be any implementation or preventive measures. The frequency of train accidents have never gone down.When ministers in India are not serious about human lives so how can we take their word when it comes to elephants or any other wildlife? When they are not able to manage things going wrong with the citizens of their country so how can we account on them for anything, even if it is about the country’s wildlife?

Just go Away!

Saturday, 25th September, 2010.

Labourers who were working tirelessly to make Commonwealth Games (CWG) a success have turned out to be the most unimportant people now. The Delhi Police is asking these migrant labourers and daily- wagers to leave the Capital by Monday in order to clean the city for CWG. They have been instructed not to return before the games are over. They live in filthy and unhygienic areas around the streets, flyovers and metro stations.
This is so unfair. How can the government treat them like this? They are the citizens of our country just like you and me. So, why can’t they stay in Delhi? Because they belong to the poorest strata and are never considered equals? Or will they represent a sorry state of our country? Even if they do, is it not the reality? So, why is our country trying to portray an image which is not real?
India is like this where it has poor people living in slums, who work for hours to earn their livelihood and even then they are unable to send their children to school. They live in the dirtiest corners of our cities, as the most neglected section of our society.
The rich have not been asked to change their homes, lifestyle or jobs then why the poor?
They are an integral part of India. The Government does nothing to improve their living conditions or provide them with basic amenities but at least it can treat them with dignity and respect. It can let them live life the ways they want to and help them survive in a world which does not accept them.

A Sigh of Relief

Saturday, 25th September, 2010.

Yes, it was relieving to read that the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) is planning to add more coaches to the existing metro trains. According to a DMRC official, “We will introduce 6-coach trains by next year. By 2011, we’ll run 89 such trains.”
The present four- coach train has a carrying capacity of about 1,200 to 1,500. The newly added coaches will be able to carry 600 more passengers per trip. People prefer travelling in Delhi metro as it has connected several areas like Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, South, North, East and West parts of Delhi making them reachable to the commuters.
I also prefer travelling through metro. One thing which I do not like about the metro is that it is always overcrowded and often I go standing all my way. The people are always in a hurry and keep pushing each other. At every station people are not bothered whether the train is all full but they make sure that they make space for themselves by hook or by crook. This leads to further chaos and irritation.
I am glad that the DMRC could sense our trouble and has taken step to provide a more comfortable ride to its passengers. But I am still not sure whether the newly added coaches will be a total relief or the ever increasing population will spoil the fun.

Even Sleeping is not easy.

21st September, 2010.
 Sleep controls our performance, keeping us fresh and active all through the day. While sleeping our brain gets the time to store data which is relevant. Dr. J.C. Suri of Safdarjung Hospital believes that sleep hygiene is very important. It is very true, we exhaust ourselves too much; give a lot more importance to our work and fail to understand that we have to give rest to our body and mind so that we remain healthy and in good shape. If we continue to work tirelessly and worry too much then we may succumb to insomnia. We should not forget that a good night’s sleep keeps us going. It is an integral part of our life, which cannot be ignored at any cost.

The Philip Sleep Survey revealed that sleep disorders affect 93 per cent of the Indian population. Another interesting finding was that 11 per cent of us take leave from work because of lack of sleep, 58 per cent feel that their work suffers from lack of sleep and 11 per cent actually fall asleep at work.
So, after reading this, we need to remember that our body and mind need some care and nothing should affect our ability to sleep soundly.
Here are some interesting ways to sleep, sleep and sleep:
Firstly, avoid alcohol and caffeine during working days as they lead to fragmented sleep.
Secondly, avoid watching television or surfing the internet before sleeping as they activate our brain and interfere with good sleep.
Thirdly, have a light dinner three hours before sleeping to ensure a peaceful slumber.
Fourthly, our room should not be cluttered; too many paintings and mirrors should be avoided.
Lastly, start keeping a worry diary where you write down all things that bother you before sleeping, it could be errands for the next day or problems to be faced the next day. This will make you feel relaxed knowing things are under control.
So here I wish you good luck and I hope u follow some of these ways to keep you in good spirits and healthy.
Have a happy and uninterrupted sleeping experience from now on:-)

Its Sad.

Tuesday, 31st August, 2010.
"But why do government agencies work only on being informed?"

This is a question raised by Mr. Raj Prasad,Chairman of Child Welfare Committee. Though it is a very valid question but it reflects nothing new about the working of the government agencies of India. It is known to everybody that the agencies resume their duties only when they are asked or reminded to do so.
According to the survey of Ashray Adhikar Abhiyan, an NGO, the number of homeless women have been estimated to be 10,000 in Delhi. Yes, you have read it right.I know its a shocking figure!
India as a nation is heading forward to get into the league of developed nations but unfortunately, its people are being deprived of their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing.

The worst thing is that the government agencies in Delhi are clueless about what's going on in this regard.
Are we progressing to be a better nation? Or to make it more appropriate, are we progressing to be a better nation like this??
No, this is not development in true sense, it is superficial development that we are aiming for, not until these issues are addressed.  
It simply shows that the government is careless and indifferent towards such issues.

Delhiites Answerable..

Monday, 30th August, 2010.
"Baby was born on road battling for her life."

 It was shameful reading this, that too after a month from when it took place. The people of Delhi have grown insensitive. They took no notice of Karishma, a baby girl, who was born to a poor woman, on a busy and dirty street in Connaught Place (CP)on July 26. After giving birth to the child the woman struggled to survive for four long days but eventually she succumbed to death as nobody came forward to help or take her to the hospital.

Now its Karishma's turn to struggle for her life. Even after a month she just weighs 700 grams and is suffering from severe blood infection. 

Karishma, was born on the busy street in CP.
People could have acted responsibly to save her life. Karishma lost her mother and people were not bothered. It is a shame for all of us. Any person could have dialed 100( Police Control Room number) or 1091 ( Police helpline for women) to make sure she was taken to a government hospital. 
Unfortunately, people have turned heartless and oblivious to the suffering of others. It is shocking and and disgraceful.
How could Delhiites turn a blind eye to this? Did it not prick anybody's conscience? 
Yes it did, as Ritu Fredrick, a garment shop owner in CP, took the baby under her care and now she is trying to get the custody of the baby.  
This tragedy raises a finger at humanity but also shows that it has not been completely lost.
In my opinion, Ritu Fredrick, alone kept the spirit of humanity alive which other Delhiites failed to do.

Its Easy yet We FAIL..

Wednesday, 25th August, 2010.

"My Earth My Duty"

This is a good piece of news for all the people on this planet.
This caught my attention in today's newspaper and I so much want to share this with my readers.
My Earth My Duty, launched on 5th June, 2010, is an initiative by Zee News Ltd. to save our environment. The most interesting part is that they have over 1 crore youth volunteers from various colleges, schools and cities with an aim of planting approximately 60 lakh trees. It is unbelievable and true. Its also India's biggest plantation drive.

In the process of development and achieving progress, human beings have now threatened the sustainability of the Earth.
The Earth's temperature is rising speedily due to global warming. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, rise in sea level and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife and humans.
This campaign is aimed at creating awareness about our degrading environment and also encouraging people to take steps to halt or slowdown the environmental deterioration.

I really appreciate and like this initiative taken by Zee News and for telling us all that its high time now!
On the website, people can get simple tips on saving the environment and can also give their own ideas on saving our environment. They have a corner for poets and people who want to put in their articles. Its the right place for those interested in knowing new and detailed things about our environment.

After going through the tips to save the environment, I realized how much we can do at our personal level to save our EARTH. We usually never think on these lines and often miss these things in our busy lives.
It is amazing and I would like to congratulate Zee News on taking such a sincere and honest step towards protecting our planet.
I would appeal to my readers to please go through their website and learn easy ways to take up your responsibility:))


Tuesday, 24th August,2010

 "250 roads have gone under water in the capital."


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about rain in Delhi?

Water logging comes to my mind instantly and I am sure that most of the Delhiites would agree with me on this. The whole fun of the monsoon season is lost. The waterlogged roads and surroundings put an end to all the excitement and fervour.
Due to the inefficiency of the civic agencies the people have to suffer. The traffic jams and vehicular breakdown caused due to  water logging make commuting a strenuous and unpleasant job.

The agencies involved in the civic work are busy blaming each other for all the mismanagement and chaos, instead of taking effective measures to resolve and control the problem.
This does not stop here, the waterlogged places are becoming the breeding ground for mosquitoes. And till now 453 confirmed dengue cases have been reported in the Capital, where 34 cases were reported on Monday.

The civic agencies need to act immediately and promptly to avoid further disastrous consequences and problems for the people.
And to aggravate their problems I would like to remind them that Commonwealth Games are 40 days away ; )

Time to Battle..

Monday, 23rd August, 2010.
 "They are the people with no purchasing power and no influence."

This is absolutely true. The people being referred here are the 'underprivileged' and 'socially backward' individuals who face challenges everyday in their lives. Their problems are overlooked because they have no authority and power. They are the below poverty line families, who suffer gravely from hunger and malnutrition. They put themselves out to secure just one meal of the day and thinking about the next one seems back- breaking. In simple and clear words it is a struggle for 'SURVIVAL.'

According to the National Family Health Survey-3 (NFHS), approximately 180 million children are chronically malnourished worldwide, more than one-third is in India. Of this, over 8 million children suffer from acute malnutrition.

The World Bank blames poverty and low status of women in our country as the predominant reason for malnutrition. It reveals that half of the children under four are malnourished and majority of the women suffer from aneamia. In order to get rid of this epidemic we need to eradicate poverty and improve the health conditions for women to enhance the quality of life for them and their families.We have to act now to help these people as we belong to the better part of the world.


It may appear to be a less sexy story but it needs immediate attention because a 'healthy nation' can only be  a strong and prosperous nation. 
Through this blog, I not only want to highlight this serious problem but I also want to appeal to all the people who do not belong to the above category to be grateful for being gifted with perfect health. 


 Wednesday,18th August, 2010.
 "I have the Right to Education, now nobody can stop me from going to school."

I saw this advertisement of Right to Education in the Hindustan Times today. It talks about Right to Education Act (RTE)2009, which provides every child in the age group of 6-14 years with free and compulsory education.
Education is a way of stepping towards progress and development. It is the basic rightand privilege of every child. Education not only gives us the tool of knowledge but also the ability to make fair decisions and enhances our overall personality.

The photograph( right) in another newspaper ,The Hindu, caught my attention as it was a complete contrast to the one in the Hindustan Times.
This picture is a recent one. It speaks volumes about those young children in our country who are deprived of education as they are made to work at this tender age. This is just one photograph which was captured whereas the condition of several children who work as labourers go unnoticed.
Despite the constitutional recognition provided to free and compulsory education, in reality, the mandate of the Constitution has still remained empty, as a number of children are denied basic human right to education.

This is another issue which gains sympathy from many people but nothing is actually done to wipe it out from our society. We fail to see the poor implementation of this Act.
I do agree that such issues cannot be handled overnight but atleast there should be some strong focus on them. 
'Just as we set deadlines for important events why cannot we set deadlines to get over with these issues?'
Literacy rate is an important social indicator of the country's development. It is indicative of the quality of the life of its people. In order to get into the race ofdeveloped nations the social indicators will play a significant role.
I feel it is not only lack of implementation of the Right to Education but also the failure to protect the rights of the child labour.
I am not criticizing or commenting on the efforts being made by the government, I am just emphasizing on the fact that education for and among children of all classes should be given utmost importance, ensuring free and compulsory education according to the RTE Act.