Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Police walas!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010.

I just went out with mom and dad to enjoy some chicken rolls and momos at a roadside stall nearby my place.It is always fun to go out with family even for a short while. 
While we were enjoying our food we suddenly saw two tall policemen approaching the stalls and they actually threw all the eatables and food on the ground. 
I was amazed as I had witnessed this for the first time. I had always heard about the 'police walas' being nasty but I saw them behave so irrationally for the first time.
They did this because the stalls were not supposed to be at the roadside.I think, instead of being so harsh they could have just told the stall vendors to move the stalls.
I felt really bad and could see how miserable the stall owners looked. Firstly, the government does nothing to help them find a proper legal place. Secondly, when they show the courage to work instead of resorting to begging or other easy ways they are not encouraged by anyone.
I request the policemen and other people to please treat them as humans and give the respect they deserve as human beings, so what if they belong to the poor section of the society.

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